Addr: Rue Rue Akwa-Bali, Douala, (face l’Hôtel SOMATEL).
BP: 1136 Douala · Tel: (+237) 233422809
The Carte Rose proves in Cameroon and the CEMAC zone that you are insured for damage that you could cause to others in the event of an accident.
From now on, a motorist insured in one of the Member States is covered for all damage and other losses which could happen to him in another Member State of the Community .The Carte Rose is given by the car insurer when taking out the car insurance contract and is valid until the expiry date of the car insurance contract.
Addr: Rue Rue Akwa-Bali, Douala, (face l’Hôtel SOMATEL).
BP: 1136 Douala · Tel: (+237) 233422809
Addr: BNCIA, sis immeuble SUNU Assurances.
BP: 896 Bangui · Tel: (+236)21610317
Addr: 10, Avenue des 3 marthyrs, OUENZE, Brazzaville.
Tel: (+242)055340908
Addr: Sis « Ancienne SOBRAGA » face Multi presse.
BP: 1209 Libreville · Tel: (+241)01445586
Addr: EGICO Assurances.
BP: 272 Malabo · Tel: (+240)3330 93578
Addr: SAFAR Assurances- Canal Saint Martin.
BP: 6089 N’Djamena · Tel : (+235)66251028
The Carte Rose is sold at insurance company counters; at the same time as automobile liability insurance; and for strictly identical durations.
Its price is 1000 CFA for each insurance period.
Yes Yes Yes. The Carte Rose is obligatory as well in each State as well as for all motorists. Failure to have a Carte Rose is an offense punished according to the law by the impoundment of the vehicle; exactly just like the lack of insurance.
Even while in Cameroon, I can have an accident with a vehicle coming from elsewhere or a pedestrian who does not usually reside in Cameroon.